I was always envious of those kids in the movies who could walk out their front doors in their intricate costumes and go trick or treating.  Growing up in rural Ohio with a cornfield between each house, my street didn’t do Trick or Treating.

Instead, my brother and I would have to pile in the van to be driven 10 minutes or so into town to get candy, with stupid sweatshirts, long johns and tennis shoes stuffed on under our costumes, totally ruining the whole effect, mom.

And now here we are.  Driving 15 minutes into the neighboring town so that our kids can Trick or Treat on a road with sidewalks and streetlamps and houses close enough together you don’t need to limber up before heading out.

On the plus side, it’s still just enough outside the city limits the house on the corner had a bon fire and the old man smoking a bowl (probably for glaucoma, duh) handed out cups of hot spiced rum to all the parents.

Country Halloweens have their upside.

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