Rule #1 Always make a statement. It’s how you let people know you are awesomer than they are.

Today we will be soaking in every last second with Andy, which is basically a free pass for me to let him handle all the things he’ll be missing out on while he is in Korea for the next 10 days.  Like butt wiping, Xbox disputes, sippy cup refills and spider smooshing.

Then he will be off to the land of, um…whatever Korea is know for….and I will be here with the kids and my mom, who is moving in for the week and a half.

Which is perfect timing because it’s hard for me to menstruate and be the sole care taker of three kids.

This week, I posted a snippet from my book… which may or may not be about tea bagging?  Click here to check it out. (send publisher dust!)

We posted the latest episode of Brittany & Meredith Live, and it may be the funniest thing ever.  Click here to listen to Episode 2.

I agreed to let Andy have his very own section of this site, in which he will post all the crazy emails and texts I have ever sent him, that he apparently stashed away into a folder because he is a hoarder of CRAZY.  I’d be offended if it wasn’t so fucking weird.  Click here to see him explain it, and follow the link to then check it out, he updates it daily… unlike his track record with changing diapers or letting me finish before he falls asleep or leaves to get a bowl of cereal.

I also wrote a post about how I may have seen Jim Tressel’s corpse on the front end of a truck.  Ahem.  I am good at analogies.

Now here’s the cool shit I saw on the internet this week…

Every time I watch this, pee seeps out.  It’s my friend Matt doing a dramatic reading of Harry Potter fan fiction written by a teen girl.  I think maybe English is her second language and she needs some more words to describe intercourse.

A shout out to my reader, Emily, for showing me that Brittany Scouts needs badges after all!  Click here to check them out, I think I earned the apple bong one in 10th grade. I’m already winning!

This might be the best invention ever.

This is my friend Emily’s store.  She sells ugly sweaters. On purpose.  And it’s fucking BRILLIANT.

I would like all my belongs to please have kitten puking rainbows on them, please.

I kinda want to buy this just to fuck with Andy. Who has two thumbs and sees Jesus in her food, now, huh?  This girl.

Lastly, if you listen to my podcast, you know I am on an indie rap cover kick, so I will leave you with a few of my favorites…

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