
Weeks are long.  Idol is a nightmare.  Sunday’s are dirty.  Let’s relive it together.

This week, we launched something on Curvy Girl Guide that we are so proud of.  We’re getting real about our weight. GASP! I know, right.  You know the weight you tell people you are?  Like the bitch at the DMV.  The nosey nurse who you talk out of weighing you at the doctors office.   The toothless man guessing weights at the fair. We aren’t talking about that weight.  We’re talking about the real one, the scary one, the one that totally sucks when you’re on your period and living on Klondike Bars.  Check it out, it’s liberating, in a burn your bras, drink wine from the bottle in your panties watching a Hoarders marathon, kind of way.

Oh, and I also shared the recipe that gets me laid the most.  My steak marinade.  With our attempts to up Jude’s mineral intake, we eat this steak at least twice a week, and the kids know how to help me make this by heart.

On High Chair Critics this week, I’m talking about how the grocery has turned into the third circle of hell now that I have three kids.

Whenever I think about maybe dying my hair blond again, I remember THIS.

You know when sometimes there are movies that Dane Cook isn’t a gigantic douche in?  I’ve taken a break from my current favorite, Grown Ups, and was sucked into Dan in Real Life the other day.  It’s an old favorite of mine, and now this is stuck in my head. Thanks for breaking my heart, Steve Carell.

Yesterday the wire poked out of my last good bra.  You know how on those medical shows, when a doctor stumbles upon some sort of victim in a convenient store or dirty subway terminal, and they have to go all MacGyver by jamming a pen or straw into their side to drain a collapsed lung? It feel like that.  Andy could not begin to grasp how big of a deal this was.  His indifference has just earned him an afternoon bra shopping, wherein I will try on 400 bras, and he will sit in the waiting area with three kids.

*sings* Best Sunday everrrrrrrr.


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