Fungus Balls
Recipe type: Main
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Serves: 2
An easy at home copy-cat recipe for Jed's famous fungus balls.
  • 3 Large Chicken Breasts, cut into bite size chunks
  • 1 Container of mushrooms, sliced
  • Shredded Cheddar Cheese
  • ½ cup Hot Sauce (I'm partial to Franks Original, 0 carbs)
  • 2 tsp butter, melted
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Salt & Pepper
  1. Heat a thin layer of olive oil over medium high heat in a large pan.
  2. Season the chicken chunks with salt and pepper.
  3. When the oil comes to temperature, begin browning the chicken until cooked through, set aside.
  4. Add 1 tsp of butter to the pan, and saute the mushrooms until soft and cooked through.
  5. Add hot sauce and 1 tsp of melted butter to a baggie or bowl with a lid, toss in the cooked chicken chunks, and toss to coat.
Now it's time to assemble.
  1. Put your coated chicken chunks on a plate, cover with sauteed mushrooms, then coat heavily with cheddar cheese.
  2. For added cheese melting, toss on the microwave for 40 seconds, or a warm stove.
  3. Serve with Ranch or Blue Cheese on the side for dipping.
Recipe by Brittany, Herself. at