
1.  Fight.  Pull hair.  Scream.  Slam doors.  Say you hate each other in the heat of the moment.  But when it comes to someone else doing any of these things to one of your siblings…eat their faces off.

2.  Jude and Wyatt, please don’t date girls who order dry salads and packets of unsalted oysters crackers for dinner at fancy restaurants.

3.  Gigi, order the lobster.

4.  Boys, I know sometimes you wake up and it’s all weird and hard.  Tell your dad about it. Not me.

5.  Do not take pictures of your privates.

6. Do not take pictures of other people’s privates.  Especially if it’s with a telescopic lens through a set of blinds.

7.   You don’t have to go to college, but you do have to go to school today, and no, I have no idea where your other shoe is.  I think it’s where you left it last (OMG this totally makes sense now!).

8.  It’s totally cool if you still tell me you love me in public past the age of 10, I swear.

9.  I’m going to say I love you out loud in public, regardless.

10.  It doesn’t feel better without a condom. Seriously.  I think they debunked that on Mythbusters.  Please don’t make me a grandma.

Is that everything?


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