I have an amazing mom.  Truly.  She’s my best friend.

She is the first person who told me I was pretty, despite every horrible thing I thought about myself.  She reads everything I write, even if she has to follow it with a wine and prayer chain chaser.

She loves Andy as her own, and she’s the first person we told we when we were getting married or having a baby. And, then another one.  And, then, oh yeah, one more.

I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve called her in tears, only to have her rush over in her pajamas, with a bowl of her famous spaghetti, to sit with me on the couch, play with my hair, and let me watch Gossip Girl.   Which actually makes her less of a mom, and more like a saint.

I wish I could share with you everything my mom has endured.  So much loss and tragedy, but it’s not my story to tell.

What I can tell you is the strength that she has always shown has made me an amazing mother in her image, just ask my three gorgeous children.

Actually, you know what, don’t.  The boys are in the corner right now for crossing stream all over my bathroom, and Gigi is still angry I won’t let her play in the dishwasher.

Just trust me, any other time, they’d totally tell you I’m awesome.  Like…mediocre-y awesome.

Mother’s Day has changed for me since becoming a mother.  Mostly because getting surprises is never not fun.  Unless that surprise is herpes.

But, it has also really made me want to honor my mother for reasons I had never grasped before I had children of my own.  The main one being that motherhood is the hardest fucking job on the planet, and there aren’t enough tax credits in the world to make up for how exhausted you are, or how bad you smell by the end of the day.

I was asked to join a group of absolutely brilliant women and authors, to create an anthology showcasing moments of hilarity, honesty and tears shared with our mothers.

At only $4.99, this eBook would make the absolutely perfect gift for Mother’s Day, and can be purchased for e-readers, or downloaded to your computer to be read or printed out.


I hope you love it, as much as I loved being apart of it!

Happy Mother’s Day, y’all!


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