This week, out of the blue, a series of events has led me to freaking the fuck out about Christmas.

Yep, I totally know it’s September 23rd, but according to my friend Daisy, it’s almost 90 days out, and even though 90 days is really 3 months, it sounds so much shorter when you say things using days.

Then, last night the boy next door came over selling magazines, and I thought to myself, who even buys magazines anymore?  Everything is instantly available online, so when I see a magazine, the cover is old news to me.

But then, since I was already having a brain freak out about Christmas, I remembered one of my favorite parts of the holiday season was getting the Sears toy catalog in the mail, laying on the ground with my brother, and circling every toy I wanted that year.

And you know what?  I never got them.

So, now I feel the need to buy all this shit for my kids to live out my own broken Christmas dreams.

My Size Barbie.  Is it to much to have a doll the size of Matt Roloff to keep me company? Maybe I wouldn’t be so turned on my Peter Dinklage had my parents just fulfilled this fantasy for me.

Power Wheels.  Apparently in the 80’s, these were the same price as a house, because my parents refused to buy me one, and today I can’t walk into my garage without tripped over three of them.

Easy Bake Oven.  You say fire hazard, I say selfish parenting.  I also don’t buy your statistics about easy bake oven owners growing up to have meth labs, mom.

Magic Nursery Doll.  You find out the gender of the baby by swirling it’s outfit in a bowl of magic water.  Just like in real life!

Puppy Surprise.  This dog had puppies in it’s tummy, which is better than a real dog, because there was no after birth. And yet? Not under my tree.

Skip It.  What the fuck, this probably wasn’t even expensive. Maybe if my parents had bought me this, I would have had the hand-eye coordination to not have fallen off the curb drunk in heels my freshman year of college, tearing my right ankle tendon and needing to use crutches the entire winter.  I’m only speculating.

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